Constitution and by-laws


Oswego County New Horizons Band

Approved February 2022

I. Name and Purpose

A. This organization shall be known as the Oswego County New Horizons Band (OCNHB)

B. Its purposes shall be:

1. To contribute positively to the musical environment of Central New York.

2 To provide an opportunity for contact, individual musical expression and

growth among the membership and with the community.

3. To reaffirm the performance of community band music in America.

4. To have fun performing!

II Membership

A. Qualifications for membership

1. Membership is open to any adult interested in the purposes of

the OCNHB. There are no auditions.

2. Members need to be able to read standard musical notation

and must provide their own instrument(s) and a music stand.

Most percussion equipment is owned and provided by the band.

B, Dues

1. Currently the band does not assess yearly dues.

III. Board of Directors

A. Executive Authority of OCNHB is vested in a Board of Directors

whose duties shall include:

1. Management of the general affairs of the band taking all action

which is compatible with the best interests of the band.

2. Management of the financial affairs of the band.

3. The replacement of members of the Board of Directors who are unable

to complete their term of office.

4. The establishment of a schedule of rehearsals, concerts and band attire

and the selection of conductors for the band..

B. The Board of Directors shall consist of five elected members:

1. Coordinator

2. President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. Librarian

C. Election and Terms of Offices

1. At the first rehearsal of each even year, candidates for office

will be accepted for ballot.

2. At the third rehearsal of the same year, ballots will be cast by voting

members; any changes in board members will become effective

immediately after the vote. Voice vote or show of hands is allowed.

3. Any board member who cannot complete their term will be replaced by

decision of the remaining board members.

IV. Meetings

A. The Board of Directors must convene at least once annually.

B. Meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the full membership may

be called at the discretion any board member.

C. Voting members may petition the board to meet.

V. Amendments

A. Previous notice of proposed amendments to this constitution, along with a copy

of the amendment, must be presented at a duly constituted meeting of the band

membership three weeks prior to voting.

B. A majority vote of those present and voting will be necessary for its adoption.


Approved February 2022

Responsibilities of Members

1. Attendance shall be taken at every rehearsal and concert.

Members shall take part in the activities of the band (rehearsals and

performances) and when not available should notify the secretary.

2. All members will conduct themselves in a cooperative and positive

manner with all band members and audience members.

3. Seating will be determined by the conductor(s).

4. Concert dress shall be determined by the Board and approved by members.

5. Members are entitled to vote at any meeting

Board of Directors Duties and responsibilities

1. Coordinator; to be liaison with the Minetto UMC and coordinate activities

of the band with outside groups.

2. President; to preside at all meetings.

3. Secretary; keep records and minutes of all meetings, carry out

any correspondence and coordinate publicity for the band activities.

4. Treasurer; track all income and payments and report as necessary.

5. Librarian; keep track of the band library and distribute and collect music.

Conductor and Associate Conductor(s)

1. Prepare music for rehearsals and for performances.

Appointed and Voluntary Positions

1. Refreshment Coordinator; arrange for weekly snacks for post rehearsal as well

as any related events, such as band brunches or after concerts. Chair will

collect donations and track any expenses for reimbursement.

2. Historian; compile information about the band for posterity.

3. Sunshine; send cards to members and members families as appropriate.

4. Publicity; to correspond with local media on the band’s activities.

Policies and Guidelines


1. The treasurer will pay the band’s bills when due.

2. Donations with specific directions (in memoriam or other) will be

tracked for reporting to donor if requested.

3. Requests for purchases should be submitted to the treasurer who will

present items to the board for approval.

Rehearsals and Performances

1. Rehearsals shall be held on Wednesday mornings. If a rehearsal needs to

be canceled or moved, the secretary will notify the membership by email

as soon as possible in advance.

2. In general, concerts are free and open to the public.

a. Private organizations, such as nursing homes, may restrict

attendance if necessary.

b. Generally audience will need to provide seating outdoors.

3. Concert scheduling must be approved by the board before being announced.

a. Members are asked to inform the secretary as far as possible in

advance of any performance they cannot attend.

b. If attendance projected by the membership indicates the performance

of the band would be severely compromised, the performance

may be cancelled at the discretion of the conductor or board.

c. If weather conditions, significant changes at the performance site, or other

circumstances develop that would severely compromise the performance of the

band or the safety of its members, the performance may be cancelled at the discretion of the conductor or the Board.