Meeting Minutes

Minutes are in order with most current date first.

January 4, 2023

Meeting called to order at 9:50AM by President Larry Jerrett

Frank Bickel discussed the current Covid policies of the church and that the

church council was meeting that evening to discuss changing the policy and to

drop the mandated proof of vaccination. Discussion by the membership.

Frank will let the secretary know the results and that will be distributed to the

membership by email .

Frank continued with a discussion of the church's policy to aid the Elementary

School next door in the event of a safety evacuation of the school, which had occurred

the previous week, necessitating a sheltering in place (lockdown).

Meeting was adjourned at 10:14AM.

The treasurer's report was submitted by email; current balance is $1,000.89.

February 9, 2022

Meeting called to order at 10:56AM by President Larry Jerrett

The main purpose of the meeting was to approve the proposed constitution and by-laws.

Phill Sterling was called upon to explain details as he compiled comments and suggestions.

Larry asked for comments from the membership. One point was made that New Horizons had

originally stipulated that the minimum age for membership was 55; that has been changed to

allow each group to determine any age limit as defined as "adult".

Motion by Sean Simonson to accept the constitution and by-laws as presented; second by Eileen Rice.

Unanimously approved.

Next Larry asked to vote on the slate of officers; motion by Millie Sauter, second by Avery Head

Unanimously approved.

Short discussion of volunteer positions; Historian current was vacant, Millie Sauter volunteered.

Meeting adjourned at 11:17AM.

Treasurer's report; Eileen Rice submitted our current bank account totals $1,075.77

OCNHB Meeting, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Meeting opened at 9:35AM 23 members in attendance.

Larry Jerrett acting as President due to Avery Head recovering from surgery.

First act of business was to present a slate of officers for the board of directors:

President Larry Jerrett

Director Frank Bickel

Secretary Phill Sterling

Treasurer Eileen Rice

Phill Sterling suggested the addition of a 5th board member to prevent ties in voting.

Librarian Lynn Dailey

Discussion followed, including suggestions of other positions such as sunshine committee, refreshment coordinator, historian. publicity.

Sue Comerford moved that we elect the 5 board members as described above; seconded by Eileen Rice. Approved

Discussion about publicity revealed a “volunteer” in Carl Patrick, as he does publicity for other groups. He wholeheartedly accepted the appointment.

Meeting adjourned at 9:42AM

Frank Bickel reviewed the origins of the band.

Treasurer’s report (received by Eileen Rice 07/19/21): $991.01